Neurokinetic Therapy: What Exactly Is It?

Find out everything you need to know about Neurokinetic Therapy, what it is, how it work

Kim Le

April 8, 2023

Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) is a form of bodywork that focus on the nervous system. This therapy can be used to treat pain, injury, and dysfunction. NKT is based on the idea that the body, when adapting to injuries or lifestyle changes, creates adaptations in the nervous system which changes the behaviour of how we move. By working with the nervous system, NKT can help to improve function and reduce pain.

What is Neurokinetic Therapy?

Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) is a cutting-edge, research-based therapy that uses the latest advances in neuroscience to help people with movement disorders. NKT is based on the premise that the brain is constantly trying to learn new things and make adjustments to keep us moving smoothly. However, sometimes the brain gets stuck in old patterns of movement that are no longer useful. NKT helps to re-wire the brain so that people can move more efficiently and effectively.

NKT is a relatively new therapy, but it has already shown promise in helping people with a variety of movement disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, stroke, and multiple sclerosis. NKT has also been used to help people with more general issues such as chronic pain, balance problems, and coordination difficulties.

If you are interested in learning more about Neurokinetic Therapy, please check out our blog. We will be regularly posting informative articles about this exciting new therapy so that you can stay up-to-date on the latest developments.

How Does Neurokinetic Therapy Work?

Neurokinetic therapy is a cutting-edge, evidence-based approach to treating pain and dysfunction. It is based on the principle that the nervous system controls movement, and that by retraining the nervous system, we can improve movement patterns and reduce pain.

Neurokinetic therapy has been shown to be effective for a variety of conditions, including low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. It is a safe and non-invasive treatment option that can provide lasting relief.

Neurokinetic Therapy involves testing the muscles to identify and find patterns of dysfunction. By finding out what muscles are weak and what muscles are strong, an NKT practitioner can figure out what the root of the problem is and how this pattern developed. Once the problem has been identified, the patient is given exercises to re-activate under working muscles and to release overactive muscles.

What Are the Benefits of Neurokinetic Therapy?

Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) is an effective treatment for chronic pain and injuries. It is based on the principle that the nervous system is the key to healing the body. NKT uses a combination of manual therapy and exercises to retrain the nervous system, allowing the body to heal itself.

NKT is a relatively new approach to treatment, but it is already showing promise as an effective treatment for chronic pain and injuries. In one study, NKT was found to be more effective than traditional physiotherapy in treating shoulder pain. NKT was also found to be more effective than placebo in reducing pain and improving function in people with chronic low back pain.

There are a number of reasons why NKT may be more effective than other treatments. First, NKT targets the root cause of pain, rather than just treating the symptoms. Second, NKT is highly individualized, meaning that each person's treatment is tailored to their specific needs. Finally, NKT is a relatively short-term treatment, which means that it is less likely to cause side effects or other problems associated with long-term treatments.

If you are suffering from chronic pain or an injury, Neurokinetic Therapy may be an effective treatment option for you.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Neurokinetic Therapy?

As with any type of therapy, there are always potential risks associated with neurokinetic therapy. However, these risks are typically very low and are often outweighed by the potential benefits of the therapy. The general risks are likely associated with the modalities used to treat with NKT and not NKT itself. Neurokinetic therapy is a protocol used along side the practitioners current tool kit. When releasing muscles, the practitioner might use needles, trigger points or myofascial release.

While these risks are typically mild and short-lived, it is always important to consult with your healthcare provider prior to starting any new therapy to ensure that it is right for you.

How to Find a Neurokinetic Therapist

If you're looking for a neurokinetic therapist, there are a few things you can do to find one in your area. First, check the neurokinetic therapy website to find a practitioner in your area. Once you've found a few potential therapists, schedule a consultation with each one to learn more about their experience and approach to treatment.


Neurokinetic therapy is a new and exciting treatment option for those suffering from pain or movement disorders. By retraining the brain to better control the body, neurokinetic therapy can help patients achieve lasting relief from their symptoms. If you think neurokinetic therapy in Sydney may be right for you, be sure to consult with a trained practitioner to ensure that you receive the best possible care.

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