What is Massage Therapy?


Kim Le

November 15, 2022

" My body feels stiff and tight, who can I go see?"

Massage therapy is a form of treatment that manipulates tight, overworked areas of the body including fascia, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Using a variety of techniques and degrees of pressure, it helps relieve muscle tightness and restore it back to its optimal function and movement.

A massage therapist can use tools such as cupping, heat pack, hot stones, scrapping techniques and even dry needling to relieve muscle tension.

So why do we have muscle tightness and how does it happen? It comes down to the use of our muscle fibres contracting and expanding everyday and how we overload them throughout the day. The more demanding the activity, e.g. exercise and heavy labour, the more the muscle fibres contract and seize, thus, making them unable to expand rapidly causing muscle tightness.

Muscle tightness can restrict movement and limit mobility which stops us from achieving our daily goals to the fullest potential. By applying pressure and utilising the correct techniques, it helps loosen the tight muscles and expands the muscle fibres whilst relieving tension built up in the muscles.

What are the benefits?

  • Improve circulation
  • Restoring range of motion
  • Reduce toxin/pain
  • Relieve tension

If you have any further questions about how we can help with tight muscle and soreness, head over to our Contact Us page, or book in now to make an appointment.

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