What are orthotics and when do I need them?

What are orthotics? Orthotics are shoe inserts designed to support, align and improve function of th

Ray Nguyen

November 15, 2022

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are shoe inserts designed to support, align and improve function of the foot and lower limb. There are many different types of orthotics and they should fit comfortably in your shoes. Prescription orthotics are custom made to suit your individual needs and biomechanics

People of all ages with a variety of foot and lower leg problems may benefit from wearing orthotics.

When are orthotics used?

Orthotics may be prescribed for your particular foot problem after a comprehensive assessment, taking into account your own biomechanics, footwear and lifestyle factors. Orthotics provide long term solutions in the treatment and prevention of corns, calluses and ulceration by redistributing the pressure on the feet.

Orthotics can also help with with treatment of acute and chronic foot condition such as tendonitis, recurrent ankle sprains and stress fractures by providing consistent postural control

What is the Process?

When prescribing orthotics, a comprehensive service is provided to ensure your orthotics are tailored to suit your needs. This includes:

·       Assessing your joints, muscles and how you walk to form a clear picture of your         problem prior to prescription

·       The latest in 3D scanning to ensure an accurate fit

·       Advice regarding exercises, footwear where necessary

·       Follow up to ensure your orthotics are working well and providing you the support you         need

·       Fine tuning and adjustment of your orthotics if needed

If you have any further questions about how we can help with Foot related issues, head over to our Contact Us page, or book in now to make an appointment.

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