Physiotherapy Techniques For Managing Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that affects the tendons and muscles in the forearm. It is often caused by overuse or repetitive movements, such as playing tennis.

Kim Le

July 3, 2023

Physiotherapy Techniques For Managing Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that affects the tendons and muscles in the forearm. It is often caused by overuse or repetitive movements, such as playing tennis.

Physiotherapy techniques can be used to help manage this condition and reduce pain. In this article, we will explore how physiotherapy techniques can help those suffering from tennis elbow.

The first step for managing tennis elbow is to understand what it is and its causes. This condition occurs when the muscle fibers surrounding the tendons of your arm become irritated or damaged due to overuse or repetitive motions.

The most common symptom associated with tennis elbow is an intense burning sensation on the outer side of your elbow joint, but you may also experience weakness and tenderness in your forearm muscles. With proper management, these symptoms can be relieved within weeks or months depending on the severity of injury.

Understanding Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is an overuse injury caused by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. It occurs when the tendons in the forearm become inflamed due to excessive strain on them. Pain is usually felt where the tendon attaches to a bony bump on the outside of the elbow.

Preventing tennis elbow injuries includes taking ergonomic considerations into account while playing or practicing any kind of sport or exercise that involves using your arms and wrists. Ergonomics refers to designing activities so they are comfortable and safe for people involved in them; this applies to both professional athletes and recreational players alike.

When it comes to tennis, making sure you use proper form during swings can help reduce stress on muscles and joints associated with tennis elbow. Additionally, strengthening exercises can be done before doing any physical activity involving your arms – this will help make them stronger and better able to handle repetitive motions without getting injured.

Stretching can also be beneficial for reducing tension in areas prone to developing tennis elbow issues. By stretching regularly, muscles in your forearms will have greater range of motion which helps prevent inflammation from occurring due to repeated movements. Taking regular breaks throughout practices or games is another way to avoid straining yourself too much – allowing time between sets for rest gives muscles time to recover from fatigue and prevents further damage from being done.

Causes Of Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that affects the muscles and tendons in your arm. It can be caused by overuse or repetitive motion, such as swinging a tennis racquet during a match.

To understand how to manage this condition through physiotherapy techniques, it's important to first look at what causes it.

Injuries sustained while playing sports are one of the most common contributors to tennis elbow. Repetitive motions like serving or volleying put stress on the forearm which can lead to inflammation and tendon damage.

Poor technique and improper use of equipment can also contribute to tennis elbow pain. Additionally, some medical conditions – such as arthritis – increase an individual’s risk for developing this type of injury.

When it comes to preventing tennis elbow from occurring in the first place, there are several preventative measures you can take.

For instance, it’s important that athletes stretch before engaging in physical activity and use proper form when performing any exercise or sport-related activities.

In addition, making lifestyle changes like taking regular breaks from activities that involve repetitive movements may help reduce strain on your arms and lower your chances of getting injured.

Taking care of yourself both physically and mentally is always beneficial when trying to avoid injuries related to sports or other activities.

Symptoms Of Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that can cause pain and discomfort in the forearm. The pain typically occurs on the outside of the elbow joint when it's overused due to repetitive motions with the arm or wrist.

Symptoms of tennis elbow include:

  • Pain at the outer part of your elbow which increases when gripping objects

  • Weakness in the affected area

  • Swelling around your elbow joint

  • Tenderness near your elbow joint when you touch it

In order to prevent further damage or worsening symptoms, prevention strategies such as rest and avoiding activities that place stress on the affected area are recommended.

Additionally, physiotherapists may suggest certain exercises and stretches aimed at strengthening muscles and tendons around the joint for long term relief. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be used for short-term pain relief. To reduce inflammation, ice therapy or steroid injections may be prescribed by medical professionals.

Ultimately, seeking professional advice from a physical therapist is important for finding an effective treatment plan tailored to each individual's needs.

Rest And Activity Modification

Managing tennis elbow can be a difficult and lengthy process, but with the right physiotherapy techniques it is possible to reduce discomfort. Rest and activity modification are two essential components of any successful treatment plan for this condition.

| Activity | Benefits | Precautions |


| Ergonomic Changes | Reduces strain on injured tendon | Avoid overuse or repetitive movements |

| Preventive Exercises | Strengthens muscles supporting joints | Start gradually and focus on correct form & technique |

Ergonomic changes involve adjusting how you use your arms and shoulders in activities like lifting, carrying, reaching or typing. Examples may include using larger joints for more force when opening jars or doorknobs; keeping elbows close to the body while pushing grocery carts; alternating between sitting and standing positions when working at a desk; or wearing an arm sling during strenuous physical tasks. These simple modifications help reduce stress on the affected muscle-tendon junction which helps alleviate pain symptoms associated with tennis elbow.

Preventative exercises should also be incorporated into one's routine as they strengthen the musculature surrounding the joint complex - allowing better support of daily activities without risk of exacerbating existing conditions. It is important that these exercises are done properly by focusing on good form and quality movement performance. Start small by incorporating 2-3 sets per day at low intensities before gradually increasing repetitions over time as strength improves.

By making mindful modifications such as ergonomic changes and preventive exercises, individuals dealing with tennis elbow can make significant strides towards managing their pain symptoms while protecting against potential flare-ups down the line.


Following rest and activity modification, bracing can be a useful technique in managing tennis elbow. Braces are used to provide additional support to the tendons around the elbow joint while still allowing some movement.

There are two main types of braces that may be recommended for treating tennis elbow: counterforce braces and neoprene sleeves. Counterforce braces use straps or bands that wrap around the forearm just below the elbow to offload pressure from the muscles and tendons involved with tennis elbow. Neoprene sleeves work by compressing the affected area which helps reduce pain when lifting, pushing or pulling objects.

In addition to using bracing techniques, trigger pointing and dry needling can also help manage symptoms associated with tennis elbow. Trigger pointing involves applying pressure on specific areas in order to relax tight muscle fibers and release tension. Dry needling is a form of acupuncture where fine needles are inserted into tight muscles in order to stimulate healing and improve mobility.

Both of these treatments can aid in relieving stress on the muscles surrounding your elbows as well as improving range of motion at your joints.

To get relief from tennis elbow, it's important you find an effective treatment plan that works best for you and fits within your lifestyle. Discussing options such as bracing, trigger pointing, and dry needling with your physiotherapist will help ensure that you're able to get back out there playing sports again soon!


Stretching is a critical component of physiotherapy for managing tennis elbow. Stretching exercises are key to lengthening and strengthening muscles in order to reduce the risk of injury, as well as help speed up recovery from existing injuries.

It's important to do both preventive stretching before activity and post-exercise stretching after activity for maximum benefit when dealing with tennis elbow.

When it comes to preventive stretching, dynamic stretches that involve active movement of joints should be used prior to playing or exercising. This type of stretching helps increase blood flow throughout the body, which prepares the muscles for physical activity ahead. Examples include calf raises, arm circles, and triceps stretches.

Post-exercise stretching involves static stretches that focus on holding a stretched position while focusing on deep breaths into areas being stretched out. Static stretching done after exercise can help reduce soreness by helping muscles relax and increasing flexibility over time. Examples include hamstring stretches, quadriceps stretches, shoulder rolls, and side bends.

By incorporating these two types of stretching techniques into your routine you will be better prepared for any physical activities you may partake in related to tennis elbow management, as well as help prevent future injuries through increased range of motion and flexibility!


Stretching is a great way to manage tennis elbow, but strengthening exercises are also important. Strengthening begins with progressive loading – gradually increasing the weight of resistance and number of repetitions used in an exercise. Eccentric exercises involve lengthening the muscle while contracting it against resistance. This type of exercise provides excellent results for managing tendonitis such as tennis elbow.

Here's a quick 4-point list on why eccentric exercises work so well:

  1. They provide greater improvement in strength than any other form of exercise
  1. The load increases more quickly when performing concentric and eccentric movements together
  1. Longer time under tension leads to improved gains in muscular size and strength
  1. Tendons respond better to this type of training than traditional lifting methods

Once you're comfortable with basic eccentrics, specific sport related drills can be added into your routine for additional benefit. For example, light plyometric activities like skipping or hopping may help improve agility during sports-related activities that require quick changes in direction or speed, which will reduce risk of injury from overuse or trauma during competition play.

Ultimately, if managed correctly through regular stretching along with eccentric-focused strengthening exercises, tennis elbow can be successfully treated without surgery or long term medication use!


Massage is a common physiotherapy technique for managing tennis elbow. It can be used to reduce pain and improve movement in the affected area. Massage is often combined with other treatments, such as trigger point release or joint mobilization, to maximize its effectiveness.

The following table outlines how massage may help to alleviate symptoms of tennis elbow:

|Benefits | How it works |


|Reduces Pain & Inflammation | Increases circulation which helps decrease swelling and inflammation |

|Improves Range of Motion | Loosens tight muscles and tendons which improves range of motion at joints |

|Strengthens Muscles/Tendons | Gradually strengthens weakened muscles and tendons over time |

Massage can also provide relaxation benefits that are beneficial during recovery from injury. Additionally, massage can help to reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins into the body. This creates an overall calming effect on the mind and body. Regular massage therapy sessions can result in long lasting relief from symptoms associated with tennis elbow.

Heat And Cold Therapy

Heating and cooling treatments are a popular way to provide relief for tennis elbow sufferers. Whether it's heat before activities, or cold after them, this type of therapy can provide much needed pain relief.

By selecting the right kind of heating and cooling exercises, you can reduce your risk of injury or further damage to the affected area. Heat therapy is best used prior to physical activity as it increases blood flow in the muscles and joints around the elbow which helps loosen up tight areas. This increase in circulation also reduces stiffness allowing for more comfortable movement during activities like playing sports.

Cold therapies such as ice packs should be applied at least 15 minutes after an activity to help ease inflammation from overused tendons or strained ligaments surrounding the elbow joint.

Therapy sessions involving both heat and cold must be tailored according to individual needs, so consulting with a physiotherapist who has experience dealing with tennis elbow can ensure that you're getting the most out of each session. With careful attention paid to selection of exercises and proper application techniques, these treatments can bring significant pain relief while helping prevent future issues related to tennis elbow strain.


Moving on from heat and cold therapy, Ultrasound is another physiotherapy technique for managing tennis elbow. It uses a machine to send sound waves into the affected area of the body at different frequencies. This helps reduce inflammation and promote healing in the soft tissues around your elbow joint.

Ultrasound may be used in combination with other treatments such as dry needling or acupuncture. Dry needling involves inserting fine needles into muscle tension points to stimulate nerve endings, improve blood circulation and release tightness in muscles that can cause pain associated with tennis elbow. Acupuncture works similarly by targeting certain areas along energy pathways called meridians to encourage relaxation and reduce pain.

Overall, ultrasound can be an effective way to deal with many types of sports-related injuries like tennis elbow when combined with other therapies. The application of specific techniques like dry needling or acupuncture can help further alleviate discomfort while also promoting long term healing benefits.

With this type of holistic approach, you should start experiencing some relief soon!


As a tennis player, you’ve felt the debilitating pain of tennis elbow for too long. The discomfort that radiates from your arm with each swing can be unbearable at times and make it hard to enjoy the game you love. Fortunately, electrotherapy techniques may help reduce this pain and improve your performance on the court.

One such technique is dry needling - a minimally invasive procedure where thin needles are inserted into muscles near an affected area. This helps relax tight muscles as well as target trigger points in order to relieve tension and reduce inflammation. | Benefits | Risks | | ------|-------| | Reduced Pain | Infection Risk |

Reduced Inflammation | Bleeding Risk | Improvement in Mobility| Nerve Damage Risk|

The therapeutic effects of dry needling last longer than those achieved through traditional massage or stretching alone, making it an ideal treatment option for chronic cases of tennis elbow. Furthermore, depending on individual needs, other electrotherapy treatments like low-level laser therapy or ultrasound may also provide relief from persistent muscle tension and joint pain associated with this condition.

Electrotherapy offers quick relief without resorting to surgery or taking medications, helping players get back onto the court feeling better than ever before! With consistent sessions tailored specifically for their unique case, athletes can look forward to improved mobility and increased stamina so they can continue competing at peak levels.


The pain and discomfort caused by tennis elbow can be overwhelming. But while surgery is sometimes recommended as a last resort, there are alternative options that should not be overlooked.

Lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Ice therapy to reduce inflammation

  • Resting the affected area

  • Wearing an elbow brace for support

and nutrition advice, like eating anti-inflammatory foods, can help with managing symptoms of tennis elbow in many cases.

In addition to lifestyle modifications, physical therapy is often beneficial for those suffering from tennis elbow. Treatment may include stretching or strengthening exercises to improve range of motion and strength in the elbow joint and surrounding muscles. There are also manual therapies that involve massage and mobilization techniques to relieve tension in the affected areas.

Ultimately, working with a physiotherapist can be essential for finding relief from this painful condition.


In conclusion, managing tennis elbow can seem like a daunting task. However, with the right techniques and treatment plan, it is possible to reduce pain and improve mobility.

Physiotherapy plays an important role in this process by providing rest, activity modification, bracing, heat and cold therapy, ultrasound, electrotherapy and even surgery if needed.

With the help of your physiotherapist, you'll be able to find the best combination of treatments for your individual needs so that you can manage your tennis elbow effectively.

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