Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a type of therapy that helps promote themovement of lymph fluid through the body.

Kim Le

April 8, 2023

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste,and other unwanted materials. Lymphatic drainage is a type of therapy that helps promote themovement of lymph fluid through the body. This can help improve your immune system byallowing your body to better filter out harmful substances.

What is lymphatic drainage?

Lymphatic drainage is a type of massage that helps promote the movement of lymph fluidsaround the body. This can help to improve the immune system by helping the body to removetoxins and waste products more effectively.

What are the benefits of lymphatic drainage?

There are many benefits to lymphatic drainage, including improved immune system function.Lymphatic drainage helps to move lymph fluid and waste products out of the body, which canimprove overall health and well-being. Additionally, lymphatic drainage can help to reduceinflammation and swelling, improve circulation, and speed up healing time from injuries orsurgery.

How often should you get lymphatic drainage?

There is no definitive answer to how often you should get lymphatic drainage. However, manyexperts recommend getting it at least once a week, until the system is moving optimally. If youare prone to sick days or have a weakened immune system, people find that getting lymphatic drainage in Sydney regularly helps them feel more energetic and vibrant.

Who should get lymphatic drainage?

There are many people who can benefit from lymphatic drainage, including those who:

●  Have a weak immune system

●  Are prone to infections

●  Have chronic inflammation

●  Have unresolved swelling/oedema

●  Are recovering from surgery

●  Have a sedentary lifestyle

Lymphatic drainage is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that can help to improve the function of thelymphatic system. This in turn can help to boost the immune system.

Lymphatic drainage Contraindications

There are a few contraindications to lymphatic drainage, and these should be discussed withyour therapist before treatment. People with the following conditions should not have lymphaticdrainage:

-Acute inflammation-Recent surgery-Cancer-Thrombosis-cardiac insufficiency-Kidney insufficiency-Sepsis


Lymphatic drainage is a great way to improve your immune system. It helps to clear out thelymph nodes and allows them to function more efficiently. This can help to reduce the risk ofinfection and disease. It also helps to increase energy levels and overall health.

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