Is a chiropractor the answer to your "pins and needles" problems?

Many people experience pins and needles at some point in their lives. But what are they, exactly?

Kim Le

April 8, 2023

‍Introduction: What are pins and needles?

Many people experience pins and needles at some point in their lives. But what are they, exactly? Pins and needles happen when the nerves in your body are compressed or irritated. This can cause a tingling sensation that feels like prickling needles. There are many potential causes of pins and needles, including sitting in one position for too long, lying on your arm, pregnancy, dehydration, and vitamin deficiencies. In most cases, the sensation is temporary and goes away independently. However, if you experience pins and needles frequently or for extended periods, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as nerve damage or carpal tunnel syndrome. If this is the case, you should see a doctor to get appropriately diagnosed and treated.

What causes pins and needles?

Pins and needles is a common condition that a variety of things can cause, including sitting in one position for too long, pregnancy, and an underlying medical condition. One of the most common causes of pins and needles is simply sitting in one position for too long. When you sit or stand in the same position for an extended period, your muscles can become tight and constrict blood flow to your extremities. This can cause numbness, tingling, and eventually pins and needles. Pregnancy can also cause pins and needles due to the extra weight placed on your body. This excess weight can compress blood vessels and nerves, causing them to become irritated. Finally, an underlying medical condition such as diabetes or carpal tunnel syndrome can cause pins and needles.

How can a chiropractor help?

If you've been experiencing "pins and needles" sensations in your body, you might wonder if a chiropractor can help. Chiropractors are trained to manipulate the spine and other joints to relieve pain and improve function. In some cases, they may also use electrical stimulation or massage therapy. Evidence has shown chiropractic care can help alleviate certain types of nerve pain, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. However, it's important to note that not all research studies have found chiropractic to be effective for this condition. If you're considering seeing a Marrickville chiropractor for your "pins and needles" problem, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor first to get their opinion on whether or not it's likely to be helpful in your particular case.


A chiropractor may be the answer to your "pins and needles" problems, according to a new study. The study found that chiropractic care in Sydney was more effective than medication in reducing the symptoms of pins and needles. If you're struggling with pins and needles, a trip to the chiropractor is worth considering. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for many common conditions, including pinched nerves.

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