Flat Feet Pain & Treatment

Find the best solutions to your flat feet pain with Hyper Health. Learn about the treatments

Ray Nguyen

April 8, 2023

Have you been told you are flat footed or noticed your feet naturally rolls in? Maybe it's time to find out why that is.

Flat feet is a condition where the arch of the foot collapsed, leading to the entire sole of the foot coming into complete or near-complete contact with the ground. This can cause pain in the feet and legs, and can also lead to problems with balance and stability. However, there are treatments available that can help alleviate the pain and improve quality of life.

What is Flat Feet?

Flat feet is a common condition where the arch of the foot collapses. This can cause pain in the foot arch or heel, and can also lead to problems in the knees, hips, and back. There are many different treatments for flat feet, and often times surgery is not necessary. If you are experiencing pain from flat feet, be sure to talk to your doctor or podiatrist in Sydney to find the best treatment for you.

What are the different types of flat feet?

There are two main types of flat feet: rigid and flexible. Rigid flat feet is when the arch of the foot is completely collapsed and does not move at all. Flexible flat feet is when the arch of the foot collapses when weight is put on it, but returns to normal when not bearing weight.

What Causes Flat Feet Pain?

There are several possible causes of flat feet pain. It could be due to overuse, injury, or a medical condition. If you have flat feet, you may be more susceptible to developing problems with your feet and ankles. Treatment for flat feet pain will vary depending on the underlying cause. If you have flat feet, you may need to wear special shoes or insoles for flat feet. You may also need physical therapy in Marrickville, Sydney to help stretch and strengthen the muscles and ligaments in your feet and ankles.

There are a number of different causes of flat feet, including:

  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Neural conditions
  • Muscular conditions

What is the best way to prevent flat feet pain?

There is no sure way to prevent flat feet pain. However, you can help reduce your risk by wearing supportive shoes and avoiding high heels. You should also avoid walking barefoot on hard surfaces. If you have flat feet, you may need to see a podiatrist to get custom-made shoes or orthotics.

How to Relieve Flat Feet Pain?

If you suffer from flat feet pain, there are a few things you can do to relieve the pain. First, try wearing shoes that have good arch support. You can also try using an over-the-counter arch support insert. If these measures don't help, see your podiatrist. He or she may prescribe custom-made arch supports or other treatments.

Other things you can do to relieve pain in your foot are:

  • Ice
  • Massage
  • Exercises for flat feet
  • Rolling your foot on a massage ball
  • Taping

What is the Best Shoe for Flat Feet?

There is no one “best” shoe for flat feet. It depends on your individual foot structure and the severity of your condition. You may need to experiment with different shoes to find the ones that work best for you. Talk to your doctor or a podiatrist about which shoes may be best for you. For more information on picking out the right shoes check out our blog 'what-is-the-best-shoe-to-wear'.

How to fix flat feet

There are a number of different treatments available for those flat footed, depending on the severity of the condition. For milder cases, simple lifestyle changes such as wearing supportive shoes and avoiding high-impact activities can be enough to reduce pain and prevent further damage. More severe cases may require orthotic devices or surgery.

There are a number of different treatments available for flat feet, depending on the underlying cause. Some common treatments include:

  • Orthotics: Custom arch supports that fit into shoes can help redistribute weight and take pressure off of sore areas.
  • Exercises for flat feet: Special exercises can help stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons around the foot to improve support.
  • Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the underlying problem causing flat feet.

If you have flat feet, it's important to consult with a doctor or podiatrist to determine the best course of treatment. With proper care, you can minimize pain and keep your feet healthy for years to come.

Wearing supportive shoes is often the first line of treatment for flat feet. This can help distribute weight evenly and reduce stress on the feet. Over-the-counter arch supports or custom orthotic devices can also be used to improve foot function.

For more severe cases of flat feet, your doctor may recommend surgery to correct the problem. This may involve procedures to fuse together bones in the foot or realign tendons and ligaments. In some cases, artificial joints may be used to improve foot function.


Flat feet pain can be a real nuisance, but there are some things you can do to ease the discomfort. Be sure to choose shoes that offer good arch support and avoid wearing high heels or tight shoes for long periods of time. If the pain persists, consider seeing a doctor or Sydney podiatrist for further treatment options. With the right care, you can get your flat feet back to normal in no time.

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